The media


The now

My editing business, always; reading books, mainly fiction; learning Spanish; tinkering on guitar and singing; building community across a variety of spaces

The pride

Created an interconnected, diverse friend group in Denver from scratch; was a host at a 528-foot-long dinner table this summer; sang a song at my sister's wedding, the first time I sang in public since college; went to a Lighthouse Writers' Workshop to work on my travel stories

The obsessions

What a childless life looks like; how to take risks/grow as a couple; how to have difficult conversations with friends; the documentary "Undivide Us" and how to have friendships and political conversations with people of opposite views that aren't polemical, and whether we should; women's skateboarding

The day job

Editor (of words, e.g., magazines, books, marketing content) at my own (soon-to-be) LLC

The commute

35-minute bike ride; 31-minute bus ride + 12-minute bike ride; 31-minute bus ride + 34-minute walk

The connection

I went to Justin's bday party and met the Moonlight crew

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211