Mason Cullen

I create 3D polygon and fractal based graphics with a graphics engine I programmed in C++. I'm currently focused on working with local music artists to create dynamic on stage visuals.

The media


The now

Concert visuals and backend bug fixes

The pride

Produced visuals for local musicians that I controlled live during their performances.

The obsessions

The next outdoor adventure/mountain to climb.

The day job

Software Engineer at an Electronic Content Management company

The commute

~18 min drive

The connection

I started attending the creative coding meetups.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211