Justin Schaffer

The media

Photography, writing, and hosting.

The now

Reviewing movies at Currentss and writing a graphic novel for Instagram

The pride

Founded a board game company that published five games and an apparel company that later sold.

The obsessions

I think a lot about movies because I process the world through them.

The day job

Senior Project Manager at a creative agency making digital work for McDonald's, Southwest, Hilton, and Red Rocks.

The commute

45 minute skateboard ride

The connection

I charmed The Management into starting this thing.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

The newsletter

Sign up for Paperwork, the official corporate communication of The Company, for happenings, nostalgia, and bureaucratic minutiae.

We’ll post announcements, updates on events, changes to the space, and more.

2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211


2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211


2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211


2101 W 29th Ave

Denver, CO 80211
